"Shades of Bae" is a thought-provoking exploration of the complexity of human relationships. In this series, a diverse group of individuals delve into the reasons why we often hide certain aspects of ourselves from our loved ones. Through intimate and raw conversations, discover the shades of vulnerability, fear, shame, and love that influence the way we show up in our relationships. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and connection as we shine a light on the many shades of bae.
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Also In Season 5
What The Cheater Knows Best! | S5 E11
In this follow-up from the previous installment of our “Shades of Bae” series, w -
An Unconventional Affair | S5 E10
In this captivating installment of our Shades of Bae series, we draw inspiration -
The Container Whore | S5 E9
Join us as we dive into the colorful world of sexuality and gender identity! In -
Confessions of a F*ckBoy | S5 E8
In this episode, I played priest to a fuckboy who had many things to confess. He
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